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Makungu Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Makungu, Tanzania is: -8.733078 and the longitude is: 35.297233.

Makungu Latitude: -8.733078
Makungu Longitude: 35.297233
Latitude DMS: 8°43'59.08"S
Longitude DMS: 35°17'50.04"E
UTM Easting: 752,745.44
UTM Northing: 9,033,888.15
UTM Zone: 36L
Geohash: ky3n74nwjhk8
Position from Earth's Center: ESE
Elevation: 1237.31 Meters (4059.42 Feet)
City: Makungu
District: Mufindi
Province: Iringa
Country: Tanzania
Country Code: TZ
Country Code Alpha-3: TZA
Country Continent: Africa
Time Zone: Africa/Dar_es_Salaam
Time Zone Abbreviation: EAT
EAT Stands for: East Africa Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
Current Time: Friday May 3rd 3:30am

Makungu, Tanzania Summary

Makungu has a latitude of 8°43'59.08"S and a longitude of 35°17'50.04"E or -8.733078 and 35.297233 respectively.

Areas near Makungu:

Populated areas nearby:

Note: Makungu is also located 288.9 Km S of Tanzania capital Dodoma (see coordinates for Dodoma).

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Makungu.

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