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Calana Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Calana, Pachía District, Peru is: -17.942487 and the longitude is: -70.187999.

Calana Latitude: -17.942487
Calana Longitude: -70.187999
Latitude DMS: 17°56'32.95"S
Longitude DMS: 70°11'16.8"W
UTM Easting: 374,187.25
UTM Northing: 8,015,775.60
UTM Zone: 19K
Geohash: 6ky1fvdtmn48
Position from Earth's Center: WSW
Elevation: 891.04 Meters (2923.37 Feet)
City: Pachía District
District: Tacna
Province: Tacna
Country: Peru
Country Code: PE
Country Code Alpha-3: PER
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Lima
Time Zone Abbreviation: -05
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -05:00
Current Time: Saturday May 4th 5:59pm

Calana, Pachía District, Peru Summary

Calana has a latitude of 17°56'32.95"S and a longitude of 70°11'16.8"W or -17.942487 and -70.187999 respectively.

Calana, Pachía District, Peru coordinates are near the Chile and Bolivia borders; 72.2 Km WNW of Putre, Arica y Parinacota Region, Chile (see coordinates for Putre) and 188.6 Km W of Curahuara de Carangas, Oruro Department, Bolivia (see coordinates for Curahuara de Carangas).

Areas near Calana:

Populated areas nearby:

Airports near 17°56'32.95"S and 70°11'16.8"W:

  • "TCQ" Coronel FAP Carlos Ciriani Santa Rosa International Airport (15.4 Km SW)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Calana.

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