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Somotillo Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Somotillo, Nicaragua is: 13.043219 and the longitude is: -86.904804.

Somotillo Latitude: 13.043219
Somotillo Longitude: -86.904804
Latitude DMS: 13°2'35.59"N
Longitude DMS: 86°54'17.29"W
UTM Easting: 510,321.40
UTM Northing: 1,441,917.09
UTM Zone: 16P
Geohash: d464nqmy721r
Position from Earth's Center: W
Elevation: 50.83 Meters (166.78 Feet)
City: Somotillo
Province: Chinandega
Country: Nicaragua
Country Code: NI
Country Code Alpha-3: NIC
Country Continent: North America
Time Zone: America/Managua
Time Zone Abbreviation: CST
CST Stands for: Central Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -06:00
Current Time: Saturday May 4th 5:18am

Somotillo, Nicaragua Summary

Somotillo has a latitude of 13°2'35.59"N and a longitude of 86°54'17.29"W or 13.043219 and -86.904804 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #36 in Nicaragua.

Somotillo, Nicaragua coordinates are near the Honduras border; 41.5 Kilometers SE of Ciudad Choluteca, Choluteca, Honduras (see coordinates for Choluteca).

Populated areas near Somotillo:

Note: Somotillo is also located 126.2 Km NW of Nicaragua capital Managua MN (see coordinates for Managua).

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Somotillo.

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