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Centro Familiar la Soledad Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Centro Familiar la Soledad, Gto., Mexico is: 21.138519 and the longitude is: -101.749538.

Centro Familiar la Soledad Latitude: 21.138519
Centro Familiar la Soledad Longitude: -101.749538
Latitude DMS: 21°8'18.67"N
Longitude DMS: 101°44'58.34"W
UTM Easting: 214,426.60
UTM Northing: 2,339,950.40
UTM Zone: 14Q
Geohash: 9ez8k8hhzct3
Position from Earth's Center: WNW
Elevation: 1944.61 Meters (6379.96 Feet)
City: Centro Familiar la Soledad
District: León
Province: Guanajuato
Province Abbreviation: Gto.
Country: Mexico
Country Code: MX
Country Code Alpha-3: MEX
Country Continent: North America
Time Zone: America/Mexico_City
Time Zone Abbreviation: CST
CST Stands for: Central Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
CST Began: October 27th 2024 2:00am CDT
CST Ends: April 6th 2025 2:00am CST
UTC/GMT Difference: -06:00
Current Time: Monday February 17th 9:22am

Centro Familiar la Soledad, Gto., Mexico Summary

Centro Familiar la Soledad has a latitude of 21°8'18.67"N and a longitude of 101°44'58.34"W or 21.138519 and -101.749538 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #286 in Mexico.

Populated areas near Centro Familiar la Soledad:

Airports near 21°8'18.67"N and 101°44'58.34"W:

Points of interest near Centro Familiar la Soledad:

  • 6.4 Km ENE Leon Botanical Garden, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
  • 7.1 Km ESE Leon Hall, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Centro Familiar la Soledad.

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