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Ohrid Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM) is: 41.1230977 and the longitude is: 20.801648099999966.

Ohrid Latitude: 41.1230977
Ohrid Longitude: 20.801648099999966
Latitude DMS: 41°7'23.15"N
Longitude DMS: 20°48'5.93"E
UTM Easting: 483,349.37
UTM Northing: 4,552,441.18
UTM Zone: 34T
Geohash: srqccq5r3sbu
Position from Earth's Center: NNE
Elevation: 702.1 Meters (2303.49 Feet)
Type: State Capital
City: Ohrid
Province: Ohrid
Country: Macedonia (FYROM)
Country Code: MK
Country Code Alpha-3: MKD
Country Continent: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Skopje
Time Zone Abbreviation: CET
CET Stands for: Central European Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
CET Began: October 27th 2024 3:00am CEST
CET Ends: March 30th 2025 2:00am CET
UTC/GMT Difference: +01:00
Current Time: Saturday December 14th 1:36pm

Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM) Summary

Ohrid, the capital of the Ohrid province, has a latitude of 41°7'23.15"N and a longitude of 20°48'5.93"E or 41.123098 and 20.801648 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #9 in Macedonia (FYROM).

Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM) coordinates are near the Albania, Greece, Kosovo and Serbia borders; 56.7 Km N of Korce, Korca, Albania (see coordinates for Korçë); 63.7 Km NW of Florina, Ipiros Ditiki Makedonia, Greece (see coordinates for Florina 531 00); 105.1 Km S of Dragash, Kosovo (see coordinates for Dragash) and 182.5 Km SSW of Vranje, Serbia (see coordinates for Vranje).

Populated areas near Ohrid:

Note: Ohrid is also located 110.3 Km SSW of Macedonia (FYROM) capital Skopje SK (see coordinates for Skopje).

Airports near 41°7'23.15"N and 20°48'5.93"E:

  • "OHD" Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle Airport (8 Km NW)

Points of interest near Ohrid:

  • 1.4 Km SSW Church of Saint Sophia, Ohrid, F.Y.R.O. Macedonia

Need to calculate the distance between Ohrid and nearby cities? See Ohrid to nearby cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Ohrid.

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