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Khorramshahr Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Khorramshahr, Khuzestan, Iran is: 30.4256219 and the longitude is: 48.18911849999995.

Khorramshahr Latitude: 30.4256219
Khorramshahr Longitude: 48.18911849999995
Latitude DMS: 30°25'32.24"N
Longitude DMS: 48°11'20.83"E
UTM Easting: 230,008.19
UTM Northing: 3,369,304.83
UTM Zone: 39R
Geohash: tj6m0df4pffd
Position from Earth's Center: NE
Elevation: 1.73 Meters (5.69 Feet)
City: Khorramshahr
Province: Khuzestan
Country: Iran
Country Code: IR
Country Code Alpha-3: IRN
Country Continent: Asia
Time Zone: Asia/Tehran
Time Zone Abbreviation: +0430
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
UTC/GMT Difference: +04:30
Current Time: Thursday May 2nd 7:59pm

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan, Iran Summary

Khorramshahr has a latitude of 30°25'32.24"N and a longitude of 48°11'20.83"E or 30.425622 and 48.189119 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #24 in Iran.

Khorramshahr, Khuzestan, Iran coordinates are near the Iraq border; 29.5 Kilometers N of Faw, Basrah, Iraq (see coordinates for Faw).

Populated areas near Khorramshahr:

Airports near 30°25'32.24"N and 48°11'20.83"E:

  • "ABD" Abadan Airport (7.1 Km SSE)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Khorramshahr.

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