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Hechuan Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Hechuan, Chongqing, China is: 29.972084 and the longitude is: 106.27613.
Hechuan Latitude: | 29.972084 |
Hechuan Longitude: | 106.27613 |
Latitude DMS: | 29°58'19.5"N |
Longitude DMS: | 106°16'34.07"E |
UTM Easting: | 623,119.36 |
UTM Northing: | 3,316,377.08 |
UTM Zone: | 48R |
Geohash: | wm7dd27bj36j |
Position from Earth's Center: | ENE |
Elevation: | 219.17 Meters (719.06 Feet) |
City: | Chongqing |
Province: | Chongqing |
Country: | China |
Country Code: | CN |
Country Code Alpha-3: | CHN |
Country Continent: | Asia |
Time Zone: | Asia/Shanghai |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CST |
CST Stands for: | China Standard Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +08:00 |
Current Time: | Thursday October 10th 12:45am |
Hechuan, Chongqing, China Summary
Hechuan is located in the city of Chongqing (see coordinates for Chongqing) and has a latitude of 29°58'19.5"N and a longitude of 106°16'34.07"E or 29.972084 and 106.27613 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #386 in China.
Populated areas near Hechuan:
- 22.6 Km SE to Beibei, Chongqing (see coordinates for Beibei)
- 69.9 Km SSE to Yudong, Chongqing (see coordinates for Yudong)
- 90.5 Km NW to Suining, Sichuan (see coordinates for Suining)
- 91.3 Km N to Gaoping, Sichuan (see coordinates for Gaoping)
- 97.6 Km N to Nanchong, Sichuan (see coordinates for Nanchong)
Airports near 29°58'19.5"N and 106°16'34.07"E:
- "CKG" Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport (45.1 Km SE)
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Hechuan.
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