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Gamba Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Gamba, Xigaze, Tibet, China is: 28.274601 and the longitude is: 88.520031.

Gamba Latitude: 28.274601
Gamba Longitude: 88.520031
Latitude DMS: 28°16'28.56"N
Longitude DMS: 88°31'12.11"E
UTM Easting: 649,082.42
UTM Northing: 3,128,558.84
UTM Zone: 45R
Geohash: tvnby74r6pxh
Position from Earth's Center: ENE
Elevation: 4612.96 Meters (15134.38 Feet)
City: Rikaze
Province: Xizang (Tibet)
Country: China
Country Code: CN
Country Code Alpha-3: CHN
Country Continent: Asia
Time Zone: Asia/Shanghai
Time Zone Abbreviation: CST
CST Stands for: China Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +08:00
Current Time: Sunday May 5th 8:34pm

Gamba, Xigaze, Tibet, China Summary

Gangba has a latitude of 28°16'28.56"N and a longitude of 88°31'12.11"E or 28.274601 and 88.520031 respectively.

Gamba, Xigaze, Tibet, China coordinates are near the India, Bhutan and Nepal borders; 86.4 Km N of Mangan, SK, India (see coordinates for Mangan); 123.8 Km NW of Ha, Bhutan (see coordinates for Ha) and 184.8 Km ENE of Namche Bazar, Eastern Region, Nepal (see coordinates for Namche Bazar).

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Gamba.

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