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Ponta Porã - MS Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Ponta Porã - MS, Brazil is: -22.523123 and the longitude is: -55.7242526.

Ponta Porã - MS Latitude: -22.523123
Ponta Porã - MS Longitude: -55.7242526
Latitude DMS: 22°31'23.24"S
Longitude DMS: 55°43'27.31"W
UTM Easting: 631,203.01
UTM Northing: 7,508,709.22
UTM Zone: 21K
Geohash: 6gbrggyc6cd1
Position from Earth's Center: WSW
Elevation: 650.13 Meters (2132.98 Feet)
City: Ponta Porã
District: Ponta Porã
Province: Mato Grosso do Sul
Province Abbreviation: MS
Country: Brazil
Country Code: BR
Country Code Alpha-3: BRA
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Campo_Grande
Time Zone Abbreviation: -03
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
UTC/GMT Difference: -03:00
Current Time: Thursday February 13th 4:13am

Ponta Porã - MS, Brazil Summary

Ponta Pora "Ponta Porã" has a latitude of 22°31'23.24"S and a longitude of 55°43'27.31"W or -22.523123 and -55.724253 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #385 in Brazil.

Ponta Porã - MS, Brazil coordinates are near the Paraguay border; 2.7 Kilometers NNE of Pedro Juan Caballero, Amambay Department, Paraguay (see coordinates for Pedro Juan Caballero).

Populated areas near Ponta Porã:

Airports near 22°31'23.24"S and 55°43'27.31"W:

  • "PMG" Ponta Porã Airport (3.7 Km SE)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Ponta Porã - MS.

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