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Langwarrin VIC 3910 Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Langwarrin VIC 3910, Australia is: -38.15361 and the longitude is: 145.18457.
Langwarrin VIC 3910 Latitude: | -38.15361 |
Langwarrin VIC 3910 Longitude: | 145.18457 |
Latitude DMS: | 38°9'13"S |
Longitude DMS: | 145°11'4.45"E |
UTM Easting: | 340,936.78 |
UTM Northing: | 5,775,584.34 |
UTM Zone: | 55H |
Geohash: | r1pnzy25je |
Position from Earth's Center: | ESE |
Elevation: | 70.18 Meters (230.24 Feet) |
City: | Langwarrin |
Province: | Victoria |
Province Abbreviation: | VIC |
Country: | Australia |
Country Code: | AU |
Country Code Alpha-3: | AUS |
Country Continent: | Australia |
Time Zone: | Australia/Melbourne |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | AEDT |
AEDT Stands for: | Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
AEDT Began: | October 6th 2024 2:00am AEST |
AEDT Ends: | April 6th 2025 3:00am AEDT |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +11:00 |
Current Time: | Wednesday October 9th 11:27pm |
Langwarrin VIC 3910, Australia Summary
Langwarrin has a latitude of 38°9'13"S and a longitude of 145°11'4.45"E or -38.15361 and 145.18457 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #109 in Australia.
Populated areas near Langwarrin:
- 4.3 Km WSW to Frankston South, VIC (see coordinates for Frankston South VIC 3199)
- 5.6 Km WNW to Frankston, VIC (see coordinates for Frankston VIC 3199)
- 6.9 Km N to Carrum Downs, VIC (see coordinates for Carrum Downs VIC)
- 7.7 Km NW to Seaford, VIC (see coordinates for Seaford VIC)
- 8.8 Km WSW to Mount Eliza, VIC (see coordinates for Mount Eliza VIC 3930)
Airports near 38°9'13"S and 145°11'4.45"E:
- "MBW" Melbourne Moorabbin Airport (21.1 Km NNW)
- "MEL" Melbourne International Airport (61.3 Km NNW see coordinates for Melbourne Airport (MEL))
- "AVV" Avalon Airport (63.9 Km W)
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Langwarrin VIC 3910.
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