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Villa Santa Rita Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Villa Santa Rita, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina is: -34.6141282 and the longitude is: -58.4829834.

Villa Santa Rita Latitude: -34.6141282
Villa Santa Rita Longitude: -58.4829834
Latitude DMS: 34°36'50.86"S
Longitude DMS: 58°28'58.74"W
UTM Easting: 364,037.68
UTM Northing: 6,168,747.65
UTM Zone: 21H
Geohash: 69y7j4typdz5
Position from Earth's Center: WSW
Elevation: 20.48 Meters (67.18 Feet)
City: Buenos Aires
District: Comuna 11
Province: Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Province Abbreviation: CABA
Country: Argentina
Country Code: AR
Country Code Alpha-3: ARG
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
Time Zone Abbreviation: -03
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -03:00
Current Time: Saturday December 14th 9:38am

Villa Santa Rita, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina Summary

Villa Santa Rita is located in the city of Buenos Aires (see coordinates for Buenos Aires) and has a latitude of 34°36'50.86"S and a longitude of 58°28'58.74"W or -34.614128 and -58.482983 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #103 in Argentina.

Villa Santa Rita, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina coordinates are near the Uruguay border; 61.9 Kilometers WSW of Colonia del Sacramento, Colonia, Uruguay (see coordinates for Colonia Del Sacramento).

Populated areas near Villa Santa Rita:

Note: Villa Santa Rita is also located 9.4 Km W of Argentina capital Buenos Aires CABA (see coordinates for Buenos Aires).

Airports near 34°36'50.86"S and 58°28'58.74"W:

Points of interest near Villa Santa Rita:

  • 6.8 Km ENE Buenos Aires Botanic Garden, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 6.8 Km ENE Buenos Aires Zoo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 7.2 Km ENE Alto Palermo Shopping Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 8.2 Km ENE Water Company Palace, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 8.3 Km E Argentine National Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 8.3 Km ENE Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 8.5 Km E Plaza de los Dos Congresos, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 9.4 Km E Obelisco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Villa Santa Rita.

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