Distance from Voinjama to Nearby Cities

The distance from Voinjama to the nearest city Gbarnga is 122.8 miles or 197.6 kilometers away. The nearest town Sanniquellie is 187.4 miles or 301.5 kilometers away. The nearest major city Harper is 470.7 miles or 757.5 kilometers away.

Voinjama is also 25.1 miles or 40.5 kilometers from Macenta in Guinea.

Voinjama Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Voinjama Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 20.9 Mi (33.6 Km)

Voinjama to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Voinjama and nearby cities in Liberia.

From Voinjama Population Distance
SSE to Gbarnga45,83599.9 Mi (160.7 Km) 122.8 Mi (197.6 Km)
SE to Yekepa24,695101.6 Mi (163.5 Km) 208.7 Mi (335.9 Km)
SSW to Kakata33,945136.7 Mi (220.1 Km) 199.7 Mi (321.5 Km)
SSW to Bensonville33,188148.7 Mi (239.3 Km) 225.9 Mi (363.5 Km)
SSW to Monrovia939,524162.5 Mi (261.6 Km) 241.2 Mi (388.1 Km)
S to Buchanan25,731176.1 Mi (283.4 Km) 232.8 Mi (374.7 Km)

Voinjama to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Voinjama and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Liberia.

From Voinjama Population Distance
SE to Sanniquellie11,415102.4 Mi (164.9 Km) 187.4 Mi (301.5 Km)
SSW to Bopolu2,908106 Mi (170.5 Km) 295.4 Mi (475.5 Km)
SW to Tubmanburg3,155129.9 Mi (209 Km) 277 Mi (445.8 Km)
SE to Buutuo?146.7 Mi (236.1 Km) 231.9 Mi (373.2 Km)
SW to Robertsport11,969159.8 Mi (257.1 Km) 304.1 Mi (489.4 Km)

Voinjama to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Voinjama to major cities in Lofa.

From Voinjama Population Distance
SSE to Harper32,661313 Mi (503.8 Km) 470.7 Mi (757.5 Km)
Voinjama to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Voinjama to major cities in bordering Guinea and Sierra Leone.

From Voinjama Population Distance
ENE to Macenta Guinea43,10220.9 Mi (33.6 Km) 25.1 Mi (40.5 Km)
W to Koidu Sierra Leone88,00084.5 Mi (136 Km) 162.4 Mi (261.3 Km)