Distance from Tottori to Nearby Cities

The distance from Tottori to the nearest city Kurayoshi is 47.2 kilometers or 29.3 miles away. The nearest town Asahi is 283.1 kilometers or 175.9 miles away. The nearest major city Yonago is 93.1 kilometers or 57.8 miles away.

Tottori Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Tottori Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 38 Km (23.6 Mi)

Tottori to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Tottori and nearby cities in Japan.

From Tottori Population Distance
WSW to Kurayoshi48,34737.9 Km (23.6 Mi) 47.2 Km (29.3 Mi)
SSW to Tsuyama89,71752.4 Km (32.6 Mi) 73 Km (45.4 Mi)
E to Toyooka46,50053.2 Km (33 Mi) 77 Km (47.8 Mi)
SSE to Tatsunocho Tominaga40,01176.6 Km (47.6 Mi) 99.9 Km (62.1 Mi)
SSE to Yamasakicho25,11579.7 Km (49.5 Mi) 96.8 Km (60.2 Mi)

Tottori to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Tottori and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Japan.

From Tottori Population Distance
ENE to Asahi9,800178.4 Km (110.8 Mi) 283.1 Km (175.9 Mi)
SE to Koya5,013188.8 Km (117.3 Mi) 292.3 Km (181.6 Mi)
SE to Yoshino8,829192.3 Km (119.5 Mi) 258.2 Km (160.4 Mi)
SW to Itsukushima2,018221.9 Km (137.9 Mi) 307.7 Km (191.2 Mi)
E to Aisai?229.5 Km (142.6 Mi) 324.5 Km (201.6 Mi)
ENE to Oyabe?270.3 Km (168 Mi) 391.4 Km (243.2 Mi)
SW to Ikata?282.6 Km (175.6 Mi) 391.3 Km (243.2 Mi)
SSW to Kihoku11,712287.5 Km (178.6 Mi) 414.9 Km (257.8 Mi)

Tottori to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Tottori to major cities in Tottori Prefecture.

From Tottori Population Distance
W to Yonago141,36882.3 Km (51.1 Mi) 93.1 Km (57.8 Mi)