Distance from Suez to Nearby Cities

The distance from Suez to the nearest city Ain Sokhna is 54.5 kilometers or 33.8 miles away. The nearest town Bir el-'Abd is 202.7 kilometers or 125.9 miles away.

Suez Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Suez Distances
Nearby Location(s): 9
Nearest Location: 42.8 Km (26.6 Mi)

Suez to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Suez and nearby cities in Egypt.

From Suez Population Distance
SSW to Ain Sokhna45,55242.8 Km (26.6 Mi) 54.5 Km (33.8 Mi)
NNW to Ismailia284,81375 Km (46.6 Mi) 88 Km (54.7 Mi)
NW to Al Kabir51,56995.3 Km (59.2 Mi) 126.4 Km (78.5 Mi)

Suez to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Suez and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Egypt.

From Suez Population Distance
NNE to Bir el-'Abd?124.1 Km (77.1 Mi) 202.7 Km (125.9 Mi)
SE to St Catherine4,603207.1 Km (128.7 Mi) 325.2 Km (202.1 Mi)
NE to Rafah?218 Km (135.4 Mi) 303 Km (188.3 Mi)
SSE to El Tor14,972218.5 Km (135.7 Mi) 283.7 Km (176.3 Mi)
SE to Dahab8,000250.2 Km (155.5 Mi) 420 Km (261 Mi)
SE to Sharm El-Sheikh12,000286.5 Km (178 Mi) 388.1 Km (241.2 Mi)