Distance from San Fernando de Apure to Nearby Cities

The distance from San Fernando de Apure to the nearest city Calabozo is 132 kilometers or 82 miles away. The nearest town Biruaca is 9 kilometers or 5.6 miles away. 5 major cities are near San Fernando de Apure; Valencia being the closest is 372.7 kilometers or 231.6 miles away.

San Fernando de Apure Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
San Fernando de Apure Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 6.8 Km (4.2 Mi)

San Fernando de Apure to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between San Fernando de Apure and nearby cities in Venezuela.

From San Fernando de Apure Population Distance
N to Calabozo117,132115.5 Km (71.8 Mi) 132 Km (82 Mi)
NE to Valle De La Pascua89,080221.6 Km (137.7 Mi) 318.7 Km (198 Mi)
N to San Juan de Los Morros87,739226.3 Km (140.6 Mi) 260.9 Km (162.1 Mi)
NNW to San Carlos77,192232.6 Km (144.5 Mi) 366.3 Km (227.6 Mi)
N to Villa de Cura76,614239.2 Km (148.6 Mi) 285.8 Km (177.6 Mi)
NW to Turen27,993242.4 Km (150.6 Mi) 380.7 Km (236.5 Mi)
NNW to Tinaquillo82,145242.7 Km (150.8 Mi) 370.7 Km (230.3 Mi)
S to Puerto Ayacucho52,526247.2 Km (153.6 Mi) 302.8 Km (188.1 Mi)
N to Guigue71,530247.3 Km (153.7 Mi) 324.5 Km (201.6 Mi)
NNW to Tacarigua39,205250.1 Km (155.4 Mi) 377.7 Km (234.7 Mi)

San Fernando de Apure to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between San Fernando de Apure and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Venezuela.

From San Fernando de Apure Population Distance
SW to Biruaca?6.7 Km (4.2 Mi) 9 Km (5.6 Mi)
NNE to Guayabal?15.7 Km (9.8 Mi) 21.6 Km (13.4 Mi)
NNW to Camaguan?29.9 Km (18.5 Mi) 32.5 Km (20.2 Mi)
SSW to San Juan de Payara?30.3 Km (18.8 Mi) 37.6 Km (23.4 Mi)
NW to La Unión?48.9 Km (30.4 Mi)

San Fernando de Apure to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from San Fernando de Apure to major cities in Apure.

From San Fernando de Apure Population Distance
NNW to Valencia1,385,083259.8 Km (161.5 Mi) 372.7 Km (231.6 Mi)
N to Maracay1,754,256263.3 Km (163.6 Mi) 328.6 Km (204.2 Mi)
NW to Barquisimeto809,490319 Km (198.2 Mi) 518.2 Km (322 Mi)
E to Guayana City746,535534.7 Km (332.2 Mi) 756.8 Km (470.3 Mi)
WNW to Maracaibo2,225,000558.8 Km (347.3 Mi) 868.4 Km (539.6 Mi)