Distance from San Diego to Nearby Cities

The distance from San Diego to the nearest city Patarra is 6.2 kilometers or 3.8 miles away. The nearest town Tres Rios is 2.4 kilometers or 1.5 miles away. 3 major cities are near San Diego; Cartago being the closest is 15.3 kilometers or 9.5 miles away.

San Diego is also 278.5 kilometers or 173 miles from Changuinola District in Panama.

San Diego Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
San Diego Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 1.8 Km (1.1 Mi)

San Diego to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between San Diego and nearby cities in Costa Rica.

From San Diego Population Distance
WSW to Patarra23,9833.4 Km (2.1 Mi) 6.2 Km (3.8 Mi)
WNW to Curridabat34,5864.1 Km (2.6 Mi) 4.9 Km (3.1 Mi)
NNE to San Rafael25,4105.1 Km (3.1 Mi) 9.5 Km (5.9 Mi)
WNW to San Pedro27,4776.1 Km (3.8 Mi) 7.2 Km (4.4 Mi)
N to Purral30,0346.8 Km (4.2 Mi) 15.6 Km (9.7 Mi)

San Diego to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between San Diego and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Costa Rica.

From San Diego Population Distance
ENE to Tres Rios10,4301.8 Km (1.1 Mi) 2.4 Km (1.5 Mi)
NNE to Concepción14,0002.7 Km (1.7 Mi) 4.2 Km (2.6 Mi)
NNW to Granadilla12,6833.6 Km (2.2 Mi) 7.1 Km (4.4 Mi)
SSE to Tobosi4,0607.5 Km (4.7 Mi) 14.5 Km (9 Mi)
WSW to Salitrillos5,73811.1 Km (6.9 Mi) 14.3 Km (8.9 Mi)

San Diego to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from San Diego to major cities in Cartago.

From San Diego Population Distance
ESE to Cartago26,59410.4 Km (6.5 Mi) 15.3 Km (9.5 Mi)
ESE to Paraíso39,70216.1 Km (10 Mi) 21.5 Km (13.3 Mi)
E to Turrialba28,95535.4 Km (22 Mi) 51.7 Km (32.1 Mi)
San Diego to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from San Diego to Panama.

From San Diego Population Distance
ESE to Changuinola District Panama22,900173.9 Km (108.1 Mi) 278.5 Km (173 Mi)