Distance from Sagaing to Nearby Cities

The distance from Sagaing to the nearest city Mandalay is 14 miles or 22.5 kilometers away. The nearest town Falam is 278 miles or 447.4 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Sagaing; Naypyitaw being the closest is 162.8 miles or 262 kilometers away.

Sagaing Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Sagaing Distances
Nearby Location(s): 10
Nearest Location: 8.7 Mi (14 Km)

Sagaing to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Sagaing and nearby cities in Myanmar.

From Sagaing Population Distance
ENE to Mandalay1,208,0998.7 Mi (13.9 Km) 14 Mi (22.5 Km)
SSE to Kyaukse50,48023.9 Mi (38.4 Km) 27.5 Mi (44.3 Km)
ENE to Pyin Oo Lwin117,30333.7 Mi (54.3 Km) 56.8 Mi (91.4 Km)
SW to Myingyan141,71348.2 Mi (77.6 Km) 60.2 Mi (96.9 Km)
NNW to Shwebo88,91448.8 Mi (78.5 Km) 55.2 Mi (88.8 Km)

Sagaing to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Sagaing and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Myanmar.

From Sagaing Population Distance
WNW to Falam5,404161.6 Mi (260.1 Km) 278 Mi (447.4 Km)

Sagaing to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Sagaing to major cities in Sagaing Region.

From Sagaing Population Distance
S to Naypyitaw925,000149 Mi (239.7 Km) 162.8 Mi (262 Km)
S to Bago244,376319.2 Mi (513.7 Km) 345.4 Mi (555.9 Km)
S to Yangon4,477,638349.3 Mi (562.2 Km) 384.2 Mi (618.3 Km)
SSE to Mawlamyine438,861393.1 Mi (632.6 Km) 464.4 Mi (747.4 Km)