Punakha is also 263.8 kilometers or 163.9 miles from Hasimara in India.
Punakha Summary:
- The coordinates for Punakha are 27.592087 89.8797459.
- The Asia/Thimphu timezone is observed in Punakha.
- The elevation for Punakha is 1305.77 Meters (4284.01 Feet).
Punakha Distances
Nearby Location(s): | 10 |
Nearest Location: | 7.1 Km (4.4 Mi) |
Punakha to Nearby Cities
The list below shows the distance between Punakha and nearby cities in Bhutan.
From Punakha | Population | Distance | |
WSW to Thimphu | 98,676 | 27.2 Km (16.9 Mi) | 88.6 Km (55 Mi) |
SSE to Tsirang | 18,667 | 69.3 Km (43 Mi) | 121.7 Km (75.6 Mi) |
SSW to Phuentsholing | 17,043 | 94.5 Km (58.7 Mi) | 245.2 Km (152.4 Mi) |
SSW to Jaigaon | 158,664 | 97.3 Km (60.4 Mi) | 249.6 Km (155.1 Mi) |
Punakha to Nearby Towns
The list below shows the distance between Punakha and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Bhutan.
From Punakha | Population | Distance | |
S to Pajo | 3,032 | 7.1 Km (4.4 Mi) | 32.1 Km (19.9 Mi) |
S to Wangdue Phodrang | 7,507 | 11.8 Km (7.3 Mi) | 17.5 Km (10.9 Mi) |
NNW to Gasa | 548 | 37.1 Km (23 Mi) | 101.2 Km (62.9 Mi) |
WSW to Paro | 2,169 | 49.2 Km (30.6 Mi) | 132.1 Km (82.1 Mi) |
S to Daga | 2,243 | 55.1 Km (34.2 Mi) | 179 Km (111.2 Mi) |
Punakha to Major Cities in Bordering Countries
The list below shows the distance from Punakha to India.