Distance from Puerto Ayacucho to Nearby Cities

The distance from Puerto Ayacucho to the nearest city San Fernando de Apure is 301.3 kilometers or 187.2 miles away. The nearest town San Juan de Manapiare is 173.3 kilometers or 107.7 miles away. 5 major cities are near Puerto Ayacucho; Valencia being the closest is 680.8 kilometers or 423 miles away.

Puerto Ayacucho Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Puerto Ayacucho Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 173.3 Km (107.7 Mi)

Puerto Ayacucho to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Puerto Ayacucho and nearby cities in Venezuela.

From Puerto Ayacucho Population Distance
N to San Fernando de Apure78,779247.2 Km (153.6 Mi) 301.3 Km (187.2 Mi)

Puerto Ayacucho to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Puerto Ayacucho and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Venezuela.

From Puerto Ayacucho Population Distance
ESE to San Juan de Manapiare?173.3 Km (107.7 Mi)
S to San Fernando de Atabapo?182.5 Km (113.4 Mi)
N to San Juan de Payara?220.7 Km (137.1 Mi) 264 Km (164 Mi)
N to Biruaca?242.7 Km (150.8 Mi) 293.4 Km (182.3 Mi)
N to Guayabal?261.1 Km (162.2 Mi) 323 Km (200.7 Mi)
NW to Elorza?262.8 Km (163.3 Mi) 576.3 Km (358.1 Mi)
N to Camaguan?272.4 Km (169.3 Mi) 334 Km (207.6 Mi)
NNW to San Antonio?273 Km (169.6 Mi) 406.2 Km (252.4 Mi)
N to La Unión?285.4 Km (177.3 Mi)
NNW to Santa Catalina?292.8 Km (181.9 Mi)

Puerto Ayacucho to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Puerto Ayacucho to major cities in Amazonas.

From Puerto Ayacucho Population Distance
N to Valencia1,385,083502.2 Km (312.1 Mi) 680.8 Km (423 Mi)
N to Maracay1,754,256509.7 Km (316.7 Mi) 630.2 Km (391.6 Mi)
NNW to Barquisimeto809,490527.2 Km (327.6 Mi) 771.8 Km (479.6 Mi)
ENE to Guayana City746,535621.5 Km (386.2 Mi) 796.5 Km (494.9 Mi)
NW to Maracaibo2,225,000717.8 Km (446 Mi) 1120.3 Km (696.1 Mi)