Distance from Porlamar to Nearby Cities

The distance from Porlamar to the nearest city La Asuncion is 9.4 kilometers or 5.8 miles away. The nearest town El Valle del Espiritu Santo is 4.3 kilometers or 2.7 miles away.

Porlamar Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Porlamar Distances
Nearby Location(s): 9
Nearest Location: 2.9 Km (1.8 Mi)

Porlamar to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Porlamar and nearby cities in Venezuela.

From Porlamar Population Distance
N to La Asuncion35,0848 Km (5 Mi) 9.4 Km (5.8 Mi)
NW to Juangriego28,25617.6 Km (10.9 Mi) 31.8 Km (19.8 Mi)
SSW to Cumaná257,78367.7 Km (42.1 Mi) 214.3 Km (133.1 Mi)
ESE to Carupano112,08275.6 Km (47 Mi) 342.7 Km (213 Mi)

Porlamar to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Porlamar and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Venezuela.

From Porlamar Population Distance
NNW to El Valle del Espiritu Santo?2.9 Km (1.8 Mi) 4.3 Km (2.7 Mi)
NE to Pampatar?8.3 Km (5.1 Mi) 10.6 Km (6.6 Mi)
NW to San Juan Bautista?9.6 Km (6 Mi) 21.3 Km (13.3 Mi)
NNW to Santa Ana?13.5 Km (8.4 Mi) 18.6 Km (11.5 Mi)
WSW to Punta de Piedras?24.4 Km (15.1 Mi) 26.7 Km (16.6 Mi)