Distance from Oran to Nearby Cities

The distance from Oran to the nearest city Es Senia is 10 kilometers or 6.2 miles away. The nearest town La Smala is 157.7 kilometers or 98 miles away. The nearest major city Ain El Bia is 38.7 kilometers or 24.1 miles away.

Oran is also 688 kilometers or 427.5 miles from Ahfir in Morocco.

Oran Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Oran Distances
Nearby Location(s): 10
Nearest Location: 6.4 Km (4 Mi)

Oran to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Oran and nearby cities in Algeria.

From Oran Population Distance
SSW to Es Senia68,0846.5 Km (4 Mi) 10 Km (6.2 Mi)
WNW to Mers El Kebir20,1787.5 Km (4.6 Mi) 10.8 Km (6.7 Mi)
ENE to Bir El Djir68,0328 Km (4.9 Mi) 10.1 Km (6.3 Mi)
ESE to Sidi Chami35,5128.5 Km (5.3 Mi) 11.1 Km (6.9 Mi)
WNW to Ain El Turk45,32316.1 Km (10 Mi) 27.9 Km (17.4 Mi)

Oran to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Oran and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Algeria.

From Oran Population Distance
E to La Smala4,000125.4 Km (77.9 Mi) 157.7 Km (98 Mi)
SE to Ain el Hadjar12,996126.7 Km (78.7 Mi) 178.8 Km (111.1 Mi)
S to Naâma8,390282.3 Km (175.4 Mi) 363.8 Km (226.1 Mi)

Oran to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Oran to major cities in Oran.

From Oran Population Distance
ENE to Ain El Bia37,24134.1 Km (21.2 Mi) 38.7 Km (24.1 Mi)
Oran to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Oran to Morocco.

From Oran Population Distance
WSW to Ahfir Morocco19,611157.1 Km (97.6 Mi) 688 Km (427.5 Mi)