Distance from Omsk to Nearby Cities

The distance from Omsk to the nearest city Kalachinsk is 100.3 kilometers or 62.3 miles away. The nearest town Vkhodnoy mkr. is 14.6 kilometers or 9.1 miles away.

Omsk Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Omsk Distances
Nearby Location(s): 10
Nearest Location: 10.5 Km (6.5 Mi)

Omsk to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Omsk and nearby cities in Russia.

From Omsk Population Distance
E to Kalachinsk24,05979.6 Km (49.5 Mi) 100.3 Km (62.3 Mi)
E to Tatarsk25,150169.8 Km (105.5 Mi) 188.7 Km (117.2 Mi)
NNE to Tara26,986220.9 Km (137.3 Mi) 296.1 Km (184 Mi)
ESE to Kupino16,333264.5 Km (164.4 Mi) 337 Km (209.4 Mi)
WNW to Ishim67,762272.5 Km (169.3 Mi) 332.7 Km (206.8 Mi)

Omsk to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Omsk and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Russia.

From Omsk Population Distance
WSW to Vkhodnoy mkr.7,81910.5 Km (6.5 Mi) 14.6 Km (9.1 Mi)
S to Novoomskiy4,46716.5 Km (10.3 Mi) 20.9 Km (13 Mi)
WSW to Luzino9,89718.8 Km (11.7 Mi) 23.5 Km (14.6 Mi)
NNW to Beregovoy7,96121.8 Km (13.5 Mi) 26 Km (16.2 Mi)
SE to Irtyshskiy3,28425.8 Km (16 Mi) 33.9 Km (21.1 Mi)