Distance from Mendip Hills to Nearby Cities

The distance from Mendip Hills to the nearest city Nailsea is 14.7 miles or 23.6 kilometers away. The nearest town Bradley Cross is 6.5 miles or 10.5 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Mendip Hills; Birmingham being the closest is 116.5 miles or 187.5 kilometers away.

Mendip Hills Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Mendip Hills Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 2.1 Mi (3.4 Km)

Mendip Hills to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Mendip Hills and nearby cities in the United Kingdom.

From Mendip Hills Population Distance
N to Nailsea16,5379.4 Mi (15 Km) 14.7 Mi (23.6 Km)
WNW to Weston-super-Mare82,90311.2 Mi (18.1 Km) 13.7 Mi (22.1 Km)
NNW to Clevedon22,41311.4 Mi (18.3 Km) 15.2 Mi (24.5 Km)
WSW to Burnham-on-Sea18,40112.1 Mi (19.5 Km) 15.4 Mi (24.9 Km)
NNE to Bristol430,71312.5 Mi (20 Km) 17.1 Mi (27.5 Km)

Mendip Hills to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Mendip Hills and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United Kingdom.

From Mendip Hills Population Distance
SW to Bradley Cross3,0002.1 Mi (3.3 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.5 Km)
NNE to Blagdon?2.1 Mi (3.4 Km) 2.9 Mi (4.7 Km)
NNW to Burrington?2.3 Mi (3.7 Km) 4.3 Mi (6.9 Km)
WSW to Cheddar5,7242.4 Mi (3.8 Km) 5.6 Mi (9 Km)
WSW to Axbridge2,0704 Mi (6.4 Km) 6.7 Mi (10.7 Km)

Mendip Hills to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Mendip Hills to major cities in the United Kingdom.

From Mendip Hills Population Distance
NNE to Birmingham984,33389.6 Mi (144.2 Km) 116.5 Mi (187.5 Km)
E to London7,556,900113.1 Mi (182 Km) 134.7 Mi (216.8 Km)
N to Liverpool468,945146.3 Mi (235.5 Km) 198.9 Mi (320.2 Km)
NNE to Sheffield447,047153.5 Mi (247 Km) 198.9 Mi (320.1 Km)
NNE to Leeds455,123178.6 Mi (287.4 Km) 227.6 Mi (366.3 Km)