Distance from Kourou to Nearby Cities

The distance from Kourou to the nearest city Cayenne is 60.3 kilometers or 37.5 miles away. The nearest town Sinnamary is 46.8 kilometers or 29.1 miles away. The nearest major city Arrondissement of Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni is 190.2 kilometers or 118.2 miles away.

Kourou Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Kourou Distances
Nearby Location(s): 9
Nearest Location: 41.4 Km (25.7 Mi)

Kourou to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Kourou and nearby cities in French Guiana.

From Kourou Population Distance
SE to Cayenne61,55045.7 Km (28.4 Mi) 60.3 Km (37.5 Mi)
SE to Matoury26,35049.8 Km (30.9 Mi) 63 Km (39.1 Mi)
SE to Remire-Montjoly19,02950.7 Km (31.5 Mi) 63.1 Km (39.2 Mi)

Kourou to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Kourou and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in French Guiana.

From Kourou Population Distance
NW to Sinnamary3,18041.3 Km (25.7 Mi) 46.8 Km (29.1 Mi)
SE to Macouria8,77341.3 Km (25.7 Mi) 49.9 Km (31 Mi)
SE to Roura2,22960 Km (37.3 Mi) 77.1 Km (47.9 Mi)
WNW to Iracoubo1,53671.6 Km (44.5 Mi) 77.6 Km (48.2 Mi)
WSW to Saint-Élie?79 Km (49.1 Mi)

Kourou to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Kourou to major cities in Cayenne.

From Kourou Population Distance
WNW to Arrondissement of Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni24,287156.5 Km (97.3 Mi) 190.2 Km (118.2 Mi)