Distance from Kasongo to Nearby Cities

The distance from Kasongo to the nearest city Kampene is 125.9 kilometers or 78.2 miles away.

Kasongo Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Kasongo Distances
Nearby Location(s): 6
Nearest Location: 92.2 Km (57.3 Mi)

Kasongo to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Kasongo and nearby cities in Democratic Republic of the Congo.

From Kasongo Population Distance
N to Kampene37,03492.3 Km (57.3 Mi) 125.9 Km (78.2 Mi)
SSE to Kongolo31,943112.9 Km (70.2 Mi) 194.8 Km (121 Mi)
SW to Lubao43,068147.9 Km (91.9 Mi) 181.5 Km (112.8 Mi)
S to Kabalo29,833181.2 Km (112.6 Mi) 419.3 Km (260.5 Mi)
NNW to Kindu135,698183.8 Km (114.2 Mi) 901.6 Km (560.2 Mi)
ENE to Uvira170,391298.5 Km (185.5 Mi) 576.6 Km (358.3 Mi)