Distance from Gouda to Nearby Cities

The distance from Gouda to the nearest city Waddinxveen is 5.8 kilometers or 3.6 miles away. The nearest town 2804 Bloemendaal is 5.2 kilometers or 3.2 miles away. 5 major cities are near Gouda; Zoetermeer being the closest is 21.1 kilometers or 13.1 miles away.

Gouda is also 85.9 kilometers or 53.4 miles from Essen in Belgium.

Gouda Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Gouda Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 2.3 Km (1.4 Mi)

Gouda to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Gouda and nearby cities in Netherlands.

From Gouda Population Distance
WNW to Waddinxveen25,3384.1 Km (2.6 Mi) 5.8 Km (3.6 Mi)
NNW to 2771 Boskoop15,2227.8 Km (4.9 Mi) 10.9 Km (6.8 Mi)
NNE to 2411 Bodegraven19,3958.2 Km (5.1 Mi) 13 Km (8.1 Mi)
SW to Capelle aan den IJssel65,25512.8 Km (8 Mi) 19.7 Km (12.2 Mi)
NE to Woerden48,43112.9 Km (8 Mi) 21.4 Km (13.3 Mi)

Gouda to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Gouda and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Netherlands.

From Gouda Population Distance
N to 2804 Bloemendaal9,9002.3 Km (1.4 Mi) 5.2 Km (3.2 Mi)
NNE to 2811 Reeuwijk12,8173.9 Km (2.4 Mi) 11 Km (6.8 Mi)
ESE to 2851 Haastrecht4,5004.8 Km (3 Mi) 6.6 Km (4.1 Mi)
NW to 2742 Groenswaard5,1606.3 Km (3.9 Mi) 8.1 Km (5 Mi)
ESE to 2855 Vlist9,8068.1 Km (5 Mi) 10.4 Km (6.5 Mi)

Gouda to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Gouda to major cities in Zuid-Holland.

From Gouda Population Distance
WNW to Zoetermeer115,84515.8 Km (9.8 Mi) 21.1 Km (13.1 Mi)
WSW to Rotterdam598,19918.7 Km (11.6 Mi) 26.4 Km (16.4 Mi)
NW to Leiden119,71322 Km (13.7 Mi) 42 Km (26.1 Mi)
S to Dordrecht119,26022.1 Km (13.7 Mi) 45.2 Km (28.1 Mi)
WNW to The Hague474,29228.8 Km (17.9 Mi) 33.3 Km (20.7 Mi)
Gouda to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Gouda to major cities in bordering Belgium and Germany.

From Gouda Population Distance
SSW to Essen Belgium16,75462.7 Km (39 Mi) 85.9 Km (53.4 Mi)
ESE to Kleve Germany49,072100.6 Km (62.5 Mi) 137.9 Km (85.7 Mi)