Distance from Goiânia - State of Goiás to Nearby Cities

The distance from Goiânia - State of Goiás to the nearest city Aparecida de Goiânia - GO is 17.9 kilometers or 11.1 miles away. The nearest town Hidrolândia - GO is 34.8 kilometers or 21.6 miles away. 3 major cities are near Goiânia - State of Goiás; Anápolis - GO being the closest is 59.3 kilometers or 36.9 miles away.

Goiânia - State of Goiás Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Goiânia - State of Goiás Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 15 Km (9.3 Mi)

Goiânia - State of Goiás to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Goiânia - State of Goiás and nearby cities in Brazil.

From Goiânia - State of Goiás Population Distance
S to Aparecida de Goiânia - GO510,77015 Km (9.3 Mi) 17.9 Km (11.1 Mi)
E to Senador Canedo - GO61,80018.6 Km (11.5 Mi) 22.7 Km (14.1 Mi)
W to Trindade - GO97,52124.6 Km (15.3 Mi) 27.1 Km (16.8 Mi)
NW to Goianira - GO22,82226.2 Km (16.3 Mi) 29.5 Km (18.3 Mi)
N to Nerópolis - GO21,87031.6 Km (19.7 Mi) 35.8 Km (22.3 Mi)

Goiânia - State of Goiás to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Goiânia - State of Goiás and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Brazil.

From Goiânia - State of Goiás Population Distance
S to Hidrolândia - GO7,08231.2 Km (19.4 Mi) 34.8 Km (21.6 Mi)
NE to Goianápolis - GO10,11432.8 Km (20.4 Mi) 49.1 Km (30.5 Mi)
WSW to Guapó - GO10,07532.9 Km (20.4 Mi) 37 Km (23 Mi)
SE to Bela Vista de Goiás - GO14,28945.8 Km (28.5 Mi) 51 Km (31.7 Mi)
N to Petrolina de Goiás - GO7,71065.1 Km (40.4 Mi) 73.4 Km (45.6 Mi)

Goiânia - State of Goiás to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Goiânia - State of Goiás to major cities in State of Goiás.

From Goiânia - State of Goiás Population Distance
NE to Anápolis - GO319,58751.9 Km (32.2 Mi) 59.3 Km (36.9 Mi)
ENE to Luziânia - GO143,601151.6 Km (94.2 Mi) 199 Km (123.6 Mi)
NE to Planaltina - GO88,853224 Km (139.2 Mi) 260.5 Km (161.9 Mi)