Distance from Diapaga to Nearby Cities

The distance from Diapaga to the nearest city Fada-Ngourma is 184.7 kilometers or 114.8 miles away. The nearest town Pama is 290.6 kilometers or 180.5 miles away.

Diapaga is also 135.5 kilometers or 84.2 miles from Banikoara in Benin.

Diapaga Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Diapaga Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 111.7 Km (69.4 Mi)

Diapaga to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Diapaga and nearby cities in Burkina Faso.

From Diapaga Population Distance
W to Fada-Ngourma33,910154.7 Km (96.1 Mi) 184.7 Km (114.8 Mi)
W to Koupela32,052232.9 Km (144.7 Mi) 266.1 Km (165.4 Mi)
W to Tenkodogo37,658236.5 Km (146.9 Mi) 313.4 Km (194.7 Mi)
W to Garango29,076254.5 Km (158.1 Mi) 333.6 Km (207.3 Mi)
W to Zorgo23,892263.1 Km (163.5 Mi) 297.3 Km (184.7 Mi)
WNW to Boulsa17,489264.3 Km (164.2 Mi) 334.2 Km (207.7 Mi)
NW to Dori37,806292.7 Km (181.9 Mi) 452.5 Km (281.2 Mi)

Diapaga to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Diapaga and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Burkina Faso.

From Diapaga Population Distance
SW to Pama8,902149.1 Km (92.6 Mi) 290.6 Km (180.5 Mi)
WNW to Gayeri1,958154.9 Km (96.3 Mi) 260.7 Km (162 Mi)
WSW to Ouargaye10,103199.2 Km (123.8 Mi) 262.8 Km (163.3 Mi)
WNW to Bogande9,854232.4 Km (144.4 Mi) 315 Km (195.8 Mi)

Diapaga to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Diapaga to major cities in bordering Benin and Niger.

From Diapaga Population Distance
SE to Banikoara Benin22,487111.7 Km (69.4 Mi) 135.5 Km (84.2 Mi)
NNE to Niamey Niger774,235164.9 Km (102.4 Mi) 327.9 Km (203.7 Mi)