Distance from 7400 Herning to Nearby Cities

The distance from 7400 Herning to the nearest city 7500 Holstebro is 35.5 kilometers or 22.1 miles away. The nearest town 7430 Ikast is 14.4 kilometers or 9 miles away. 3 major cities are near 7400 Herning; 8700 Horsens being the closest is 80.9 kilometers or 50.3 miles away.

7400 Herning is also 189.9 kilometers or 118 miles from Flensburg in Germany.

7400 Herning Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
7400 Herning Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 11.6 Km (7.2 Mi)

7400 Herning to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between 7400 Herning and nearby cities in Denmark.

From 7400 Herning Population Distance
NW to 7500 Holstebro32,07232.7 Km (20.3 Mi) 35.5 Km (22.1 Mi)
E to 8600 Silkeborg41,67436.6 Km (22.8 Mi) 39.9 Km (24.8 Mi)
NE to 8800 Viborg34,83144.1 Km (27.4 Mi) 48.3 Km (30 Mi)
N to 7800 Skive20,81547.6 Km (29.6 Mi) 55.6 Km (34.5 Mi)
SE to Vejle51,17759.3 Km (36.8 Mi) 73.7 Km (45.8 Mi)

7400 Herning to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between 7400 Herning and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Denmark.

From 7400 Herning Population Distance
E to 7430 Ikast14,69211.6 Km (7.2 Mi) 14.4 Km (9 Mi)
SSE to 7330 Brande6,35724 Km (14.9 Mi) 29.2 Km (18.1 Mi)
ENE to 8620 Kjellerup4,51433.2 Km (20.6 Mi) 47.9 Km (29.7 Mi)
SSE to 7323 Give4,24036.8 Km (22.9 Mi) 42 Km (26.1 Mi)
S to 7200 Grindsted9,41442.4 Km (26.3 Mi) 51.6 Km (32 Mi)

7400 Herning to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from 7400 Herning to major cities in Central Denmark Region.

From 7400 Herning Population Distance
ESE to 8700 Horsens50,07463 Km (39.2 Mi) 80.9 Km (50.3 Mi)
ENE to Randers55,78075.1 Km (46.7 Mi) 90.9 Km (56.5 Mi)
E to Aarhus237,55176.7 Km (47.6 Mi) 83.9 Km (52.1 Mi)
7400 Herning to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from 7400 Herning to Germany.

From 7400 Herning Population Distance
SSE to Flensburg Germany85,838152.6 Km (94.8 Mi) 189.9 Km (118 Mi)