Pacific/Chatham Time Zone Identifier

Pacific/Chatham is a time zone identifier used in New Zealand and is the only identifier used in the country. Coordinates are -43.95 S and -176.55 W.

Current Time:
Friday April 26th 6:15am
UTC/GMT Offset: +12:45
Observing Daylight Saving/Summer Time: No
Time Zone Abbreviation:+1245
Latitude DMS:43°57'0"S
Longitude DMS:176°33'0"W
Country:New Zealand
Continent Region:Oceania
UTM Easting:536,108.65
UTM Northing:5,133,582.11
UTM Zone:1G

*Note: map data might not always be 100% accurate as far as boundaries are concerned, but good enough to give you a general idea. Please give the map sufficient time to load, because it often contains a lot of data which needs to be processed.

Below you will find the standard time to daylight saving/summer time transition dates. Note that past dates are shown even if daylight saving/summer time is no longer observed.

Year: CHADT Begins: CHADT Ends:
2026 Sunday September 27th at 2:45am Sunday April 5th at 3:45am
2025 Sunday September 28th at 2:45am Sunday April 6th at 3:45am
2024 Sunday September 29th at 2:45am Sunday April 7th at 3:45am
2023 Sunday September 24th at 2:45am Sunday April 2nd at 3:45am
2022 Sunday September 25th at 2:45am Sunday April 3rd at 3:45am
New Zealand Time Zone Identifiers
Pacific/Auckland (NZST)Pacific/Chatham (CHAST/CHADT)