Asia/Chita Time Zone Identifier

Asia/Chita is a time zone identifier used in Russia and is 1 of 27 identifiers used in the country. Coordinates are 52.05 N and 113.46666 E.

Current Time:
Saturday January 18th 4:43pm
UTC/GMT Offset: +09:00
Observing Daylight Saving/Summer Time: Never
Time Zone Abbreviation:+09
Latitude DMS:52°3'0"N
Longitude DMS:113°27'59.98"E
Continent Region:Europe
UTM Easting:669,136.13
UTM Northing:5,769,471.08
UTM Zone:49U

*Note: map data might not always be 100% accurate as far as boundaries are concerned, but good enough to give you a general idea. Please give the map sufficient time to load, because it often contains a lot of data which needs to be processed.

Russia Time Zone Identifiers
Asia/Anadyr (+12) Asia/Barnaul
Asia/Chita (+09)Asia/Irkutsk (+08)
Asia/Kamchatka (+12) Asia/Khandyga (+09)
Asia/Krasnoyarsk (+07) Asia/Magadan (+11)
Asia/Novokuznetsk (+07) Asia/Novosibirsk (+07)
Asia/Omsk (+06) Asia/Sakhalin (+11)
Asia/Srednekolymsk (+11) Asia/Tomsk
Asia/Ust-Nera (+10) Asia/Vladivostok (+10)
Asia/Yakutsk (+09) Asia/Yekaterinburg (+05)
Europe/AstrakhanEurope/Kaliningrad (EET)
Europe/KirovEurope/Moscow (MSK)
Europe/Samara (+04) Europe/Saratov
Europe/Simferopol (MSK) Europe/Ulyanovsk
Europe/Volgograd (+03)