America/Boa_Vista Time Zone Identifier

America/Boa_Vista is a time zone identifier used in Brazil and is 1 of 16 identifiers used in the country. Coordinates are 2.81666 N and -60.66666 W.

Current Time:
Monday February 10th 11:34pm
UTC/GMT Offset: -04:00
Observing Daylight Saving/Summer Time: Never
Time Zone Abbreviation:-04
Latitude DMS:2°48'59.98"N
Longitude DMS:60°39'59.98"W
Continent Region:South America
UTM Easting:759,402.59
UTM Northing:311,587.75
UTM Zone:20N

*Note: map data might not always be 100% accurate as far as boundaries are concerned, but good enough to give you a general idea. Please give the map sufficient time to load, because it often contains a lot of data which needs to be processed.

Cities observing same time as America/Boa_Vista:

*Note that the above list only includes one city and that there may be more. Also note that the time zone identifier displayed may differ if it has the same offset and DST.

Identifiers with the same offset as America/Boa_Vista:

Brazil Time Zone Identifiers
America/Araguaina (-03) America/Bahia (-03)
America/Belem (-03) America/Boa_Vista (-04)
America/Campo_Grande (AMST)America/Cuiaba (AMST)
America/Eirunepe (-05) America/Fortaleza (-03)
America/Maceio (-03) America/Manaus (-04)
America/Noronha (-02) America/Porto_Velho (-04)
America/Recife (-03) America/Rio_Branco (-05)
America/Santarem (-03)America/Sao_Paulo (BRST)