Distance Between Rhode Island Cities

To calculate the distance between Rhode Island state (RI) cities, choose a city from the list below. There are a total of 25 cities to choose from. The top 5 cities are Providence, Warwick, Cranston, Pawtucket and East Providence. Additionally, Rhode Island shares state borders with Connecticut and Massachusetts. For distance calculations to cities in these states, see cities near Rhode Island.

Cities Near Rhode Island

The list below shows the distance between Providence, Rhode Island and populated cities in Connecticut and Massachusetts.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Rhode Island Cities to Connecticut Cities  
Providence to Hartford65.7 Mi (105.7 Km) 73.7 Mi (118.7 Km)
Providence to West Hartford68.6 Mi (110.4 Km) 78.8 Mi (126.8 Km)
Providence to Bristol79.9 Mi (128.6 Km) 91.3 Mi (147 Km)
Providence to West Haven88.1 Mi (141.8 Km) 104.7 Mi (168.6 Km)
Providence to Bridgeport102.2 Mi (164.5 Km) 121 Mi (194.8 Km)
  Rhode Island Cities to Massachusetts Cities  
Providence to Worcester36.3 Mi (58.4 Km) 39.2 Mi (63.2 Km)
Providence to South Boston40.2 Mi (64.7 Km) 48.1 Mi (77.5 Km)
Providence to Boston41.3 Mi (66.5 Km) 50.2 Mi (80.8 Km)
Providence to Lowell56.2 Mi (90.4 Km) 69.5 Mi (111.8 Km)
Providence to Springfield63.5 Mi (102.2 Km) 84.9 Mi (136.6 Km)

Distance Between Rhode Island and Bordering States

The distance between Providence, Rhode Island and major cities in bordering states; Cities in Massachusetts are nearest due to being 36.3 miles away.

To State Distance From Providence, Rhode Island
Massachusetts 36.3 Mi (58.4 Km)
Connecticut 65.7 Mi (105.7 Km)