Distance Between Mauritius Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Mauritius, click on a city from the list below. Mauritius (MU) is located in the continent of Africa and doesn't share borders with any country. However, the countries closest to Mauritius are Madagascar, Mayotte and Reunion. For distance calculations to cities in these countries, see cities near Mauritius.

Cities in Mauritius

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. While there may be more major cities, these are the most populated cities in Mauritius.

City Population
Port Louis (Country Capital)155,226
Quatre Bornes80,961
Central Flacq17,710
Bel Air17,671
Saint Pierre16,414
Le Hochet15,197

Cities Near Mauritius

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Mauritius and populated cities outside of Mauritius which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Mauritius to Madagascar  
Triolet to CSB Ambodifotatra878.2 Km (545.7 Mi)
Quatre Bornes to CSB Ambodifotatra880 Km (546.8 Mi)
Quatre Bornes to Toamasina881.1 Km (547.5 Mi)
  Mauritius to Mayotte  
Triolet to Pamanzi1536.9 Km (955 Mi)
  Mauritius to Reunion  
Grande Riviere Noire to Sainte-Rose185.6 Km (115.3 Mi)
Quatre Bornes to Sainte-Rose200.2 Km (124.4 Mi)
Distance Between Mauritius and Other Countries

The distance between cities in Mauritius and cities in other countries; Reunion cities are nearest due to being 185.6 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Mauritius
Reunion 185.6 Km (115.3 Mi)
Madagascar 878.2 Km (545.7 Mi)
Mayotte 1536.9 Km (955 Mi)
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