Distance Between Mauritania Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Mauritania, click on a city from the list below. Mauritania (MR) is located in the continent of Africa and shares borders with Algeria, Mali, Senegal and Western Sahara. For distance calculations to cities in these countries, see cities near Mauritania.

Cities in Mauritania

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. While there may be more major cities, these are the most populated cities in Mauritania.

City Population
Nouakchott (Country Capital)661,400

Cities Near Mauritania

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Mauritania and populated cities outside of Mauritania which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Mauritania to Algeria  
Zouérat to Tinduf702.5 Km (436.5 Mi) 963.5 Km (598.7 Mi)
  Mauritania to Mali  
Néma to Nara160.8 Km (99.9 Mi) 305.3 Km (189.7 Mi)
Néma to Sokolo241.9 Km (150.3 Mi)
  Mauritania to Senegal  
Sélibaby to Diawara41.7 Km (25.9 Mi)
  Mauritania to Western Sahara  
Nouadhibou to Dakhla329.3 Km (204.6 Mi) 430.1 Km (267.3 Mi)
Zouérat to Dakhla370.3 Km (230.1 Mi) 1583.3 Km (983.8 Mi)
Zouérat to Laayoune Plage494.4 Km (307.2 Mi) 2012.5 Km (1250.5 Mi)
Distance Between Mauritania and Neighboring Countries

The distance between cities in Mauritania and cities in neighboring countries; Senegal cities are nearest due to being 41.7 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Mauritania
Senegal 41.7 Km (25.9 Mi)
Mali 160.8 Km (99.9 Mi)
Western Sahara 329.3 Km (204.6 Mi)
Algeria 702.5 Km (436.5 Mi)
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