Distance Between Libya Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Libya, click on a city from the list below. Libya (LY) is located in the continent of Africa and shares borders with Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Niger, Sudan and Tunisia. For distance calculations to cities in these countries, see cities near Libya.

Cities in Libya

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. Due to there being many major cities in Libya, we have grouped the list by province and sorted by most populated.

City Province Population
Tripoli (Country Capital)Tripoli1,150,989
TarhūnahTarhuna Wa Masalata210,697
Az-ZāwiyahAz Zawiyah200,000
TobrukAl Butnan121,052
Al MarjAl Marj85,315
Al BaydaAl Jabal al Akhd¸ar74,594
At TajAl Kufrah46,050
ZuwaraAn Nuqat al Khams45,000
Awbari‎Wadi Al Hayaa42,975
BrakWadi Ash-Shati39,444
WaddanAl Jufrah27,590

Cities Near Libya

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Libya and populated cities outside of Libya which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Libya to Algeria  
Nalut to Robbah412.5 Km (256.3 Mi) 676.1 Km (420.1 Mi)
Nalut to El Oued420.8 Km (261.5 Mi) 666.4 Km (414.1 Mi)
  Libya to Chad  
Murzuq‎ to Aozou580 Km (360.4 Mi)
At Taj to Aozou656.8 Km (408.1 Mi)
At Taj to Fada801.9 Km (498.3 Mi)
  Libya to Egypt  
Bardiyah to Marsa Matruh209.4 Km (130.1 Mi) 259.1 Km (161 Mi)
Tobruk to Marsa Matruh321.7 Km (199.9 Mi) 387.6 Km (240.9 Mi)
  Libya to Niger  
Ghāt to Arlit749.6 Km (465.8 Mi) 1592.7 Km (989.7 Mi)
Ghāt to Bilma752.7 Km (467.7 Mi)
  Libya to Sudan  
Al-Jawf to Karima1082.3 Km (672.5 Mi) 8432.9 Km (5240 Mi)
At Taj to Karima1086.1 Km (674.9 Mi) 8429.4 Km (5237.8 Mi)
  Libya to Tunisia  
Nalut to Tataouine126.5 Km (78.6 Mi) 189.4 Km (117.7 Mi)
Distance Between Libya and Neighboring Countries

The distance between cities in Libya and cities in neighboring countries; Tunisia cities are nearest due to being 126.5 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Libya
Tunisia 126.5 Km (78.6 Mi)
Egypt 209.4 Km (130.1 Mi)
Algeria 412.5 Km (256.3 Mi)
Chad 580 Km (360.4 Mi)
Niger 749.6 Km (465.8 Mi)
Sudan 1082.3 Km (672.5 Mi)
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