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Punta del Este Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Punta del Este, Uruguay is: -34.9368789 and the longitude is: -54.92814959999998.

Punta del Este Latitude: -34.9368789
Punta del Este Longitude: -54.92814959999998
Latitude DMS: 34°56'12.76"S
Longitude DMS: 54°55'41.34"W
UTM Easting: 689,219.15
UTM Northing: 6,131,997.09
UTM Zone: 21H
Geohash: 6cbcnpftcmgs
Position from Earth's Center: SW
Elevation: 28.65 Meters (93.99 Feet)
City: Punta del Este
Province: Maldonado
Country: Uruguay
Country Code: UY
Country Code Alpha-3: URY
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Montevideo
Time Zone Abbreviation: -03
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -03:00
Current Time: Wednesday September 18th 3:39pm

Punta del Este, Uruguay Summary

Punta del Este has a latitude of 34°56'12.76"S and a longitude of 54°55'41.34"W or -34.936879 and -54.92815 respectively.

Punta del Este, Uruguay coordinates are near the Brazil border; 193.7 Kilometers SW of Chui, RS, Brazil (see coordinates for Chuí - RS).

Areas near Punta del Este:

Populated areas nearby:

Note: Punta del Este is also located 112.8 Km E of Uruguay capital Montevideo (see coordinates for Montevideo).

Points of interest near Punta del Este:

  • 0.6 Km SW Punta Shopping Mall, Punta del Este, Uruguay
  • 0.8 Km N Ralli Museum, Punta del Este, Uruguay
  • 3.2 Km SSW Artigas Square, Punta del Este, Uruguay
  • 4.1 Km SSW Punta del Este Lighthouse, Punta del Este, Uruguay
  • 4.3 Km WSW Isla Gorriti Natural Reserve, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Punta del Este.

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