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Virginia Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Virginia, USA is: 37.4315734 and the longitude is: -78.65689420000001.
Virginia Latitude: | 37.4315734 |
Virginia Longitude: | -78.65689420000001 |
Latitude DMS: | 37°25'53.66"N |
Longitude DMS: | 78°39'24.82"W |
UTM Easting: | 707,311.37 |
UTM Northing: | 4,145,327.29 |
UTM Zone: | 17S |
Geohash: | dq8hfn5y9wby |
Position from Earth's Center: | WNW |
Elevation: | 700.68 Feet (213.57 Meters) |
Type: | US State |
State: | Virginia |
State Abbreviation: | VA |
Country: | United States |
Region: | Southeastern USA |
Country Code: | US |
Country Code Alpha-3: | USA |
Country Continent: | North America |
Time Zone: | America/New_York |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EDT |
EDT Stands for: | Eastern Daylight Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
EDT Began: | March 10th 2024 2:00am EST |
EDT Ends: | November 3rd 2024 2:00am EDT |
UTC/GMT Difference: | -04:00 |
Current Time: | Wednesday October 9th 10:03pm |
State of Virginia Summary
Virginia has a latitude of 37°25'53.66"N and a longitude of 78°39'24.82"W or 37.431573 and -78.656894 respectively. Virginia is located in the southeastern part of the United States (see coordinates for United States).
The capital of the state is Richmond, VA (see coordinates for Richmond).
Most populated cities in Virginia:
- 1) 67.4 Mi E to Richmond, VA
- 2) 122.8 Mi NNE to Oak Hill, VA (see coordinates for Oak Hill)
- 3) 203.3 Mi WSW to Bristol, VA (see coordinates for Bristol)
- 4) 125.1 Mi NE to Fort Hunt, VA (see coordinates for Fort Hunt)
Virginia bordering states:
- West North West to West Virginia (see coordinates for West Virginia)
- District of Columbia
- West to Kentucky (see coordinates for Kentucky)
- North East to Maryland (see coordinates for Maryland)
- South to North Carolina (see coordinates for North Carolina)
- West to Tennessee (see coordinates for Tennessee)
Virginia time zones:
Name | UTC/GMT Offset |
Eastern Time Zone | -05:00/-04:00 |
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Virginia.
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