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Papillion Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Papillion, NE, USA is: 41.1544432 and the longitude is: -96.04223780000001.
Papillion Latitude: | 41.1544432 |
Papillion Longitude: | -96.04223780000001 |
Latitude DMS: | 41°9'16"N |
Longitude DMS: | 96°2'32.06"W |
UTM Easting: | 748,185.73 |
UTM Northing: | 4,560,119.70 |
UTM Zone: | 14T |
Geohash: | 9z7dnebnj8jw |
Position from Earth's Center: | WNW |
Elevation: | 1010.55 Feet (308.02 Meters) |
City: | Papillion |
County: | Sarpy County |
State: | Nebraska |
State Abbreviation: | NE |
Country: | United States |
Region: | North-Central USA |
Country Code: | US |
Country Code Alpha-3: | USA |
Country Continent: | North America |
Time Zone: | America/Chicago |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CST |
CST Stands for: | Central Standard Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
CST Began: | November 3rd 2024 2:00am CDT |
CST Ends: | March 9th 2025 2:00am CST |
UTC/GMT Difference: | -06:00 |
Current Time: | Friday January 24th 1:37am |
Papillion, NE, USA Summary
Papillion, the seat of Sarpy County, has a latitude of 41°9'16"N and a longitude of 96°2'32.06"W or 41.154443 and -96.042238 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #2137 in the United States.
Populated areas near Papillion:
- 2.1 Mi NNE to La Vista, NE (see coordinates for La Vista)
- 6.6 Mi E to Bellevue, NE (see coordinates for Bellevue)
- 7.1 Mi NNE to Omaha, NE (see coordinates for 5403 Leavenworth St)
- 12 Mi NE to Council Bluffs, IA (see coordinates for Council Bluffs)
- 30.5 Mi NW to Fremont, NE (see coordinates for Fremont)
Airports near 41°9'16"N and 96°2'32.06"W:
- "OMA" Eppley Airfield (12.8 Mi NE)
- "LNK" Lincoln Airport (42.9 Mi WSW see coordinates for Lincoln Airport)
Need to calculate the distance between Papillion and nearby cities? See Papillion to nearby cities.
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Papillion.
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