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Midland International Airport (MAF) Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Midland International Airport (MAF), 9506 La Force Boulevard, Midland, TX 79706, USA is: 31.9417386 and the longitude is: -102.20474969999998.

Midland International Airport (MAF) Latitude: 31.9417386
Midland International Airport (MAF) Longitude: -102.20474969999998
Latitude DMS: 31°56'30.26"N
Longitude DMS: 102°12'17.1"W
UTM Easting: 764,239.63
UTM Northing: 3,537,389.66
UTM Zone: 13R
Geohash: 9txmdqbf0ex9
Position from Earth's Center: WNW
Elevation: 2848.79 Feet (868.31 Meters)
Type: Mid-size Airport
Name: Midland International Airport
Street: La Force Boulevard
City: Midland
County: Midland County
State: Texas
State Abbreviation: TX
Country: United States
Region: South-Central USA
Country Code: US
Country Code Alpha-3: USA
Country Continent: North America
Time Zone: America/Chicago
Time Zone Abbreviation: CST
CST Stands for: Central Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
CST Began: November 3rd 2024 2:00am CDT
CST Ends: March 9th 2025 2:00am CST
UTC/GMT Difference: -06:00
Current Time: Wednesday December 4th 2:56pm

Places Closest to Midland International Airport:

Points of interest near MAF:

  • 0.5 Mi W CAF Airpower Museum, Midland, Texas, United States of America

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Midland International Airport (MAF).

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