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Marengo Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Marengo, OH 43334, USA is: 40.4008945 and the longitude is: -82.8107329.

Marengo Latitude: 40.4008945
Marengo Longitude: -82.8107329
Latitude DMS: 40°24'3.22"N
Longitude DMS: 82°48'38.64"W
UTM Easting: 346,339.92
UTM Northing: 4,473,828.13
UTM Zone: 17T
Geohash: dpjjgdg060db
Position from Earth's Center: WNW
Elevation: 1160.12 Feet (353.6 Meters)
City: Marengo
County: Richland County
State: Ohio
State Abbreviation: OH
Country: United States
Region: Northeastern USA
Country Code: US
Country Code Alpha-3: USA
Country Continent: North America
Time Zone: America/New_York
Time Zone Abbreviation: EST
EST Stands for: Eastern Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -05:00
Current Time: Wednesday December 11th 6:07pm
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