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Stryi Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Stryi, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine is: 49.265608 and the longitude is: 23.843134.

Stryi Latitude: 49.265608
Stryi Longitude: 23.843134
Latitude DMS: 49°15'56.19"N
Longitude DMS: 23°50'35.28"E
UTM Easting: 706,833.46
UTM Northing: 5,460,872.88
UTM Zone: 34U
Geohash: u8bbq8d0cqcq
Position from Earth's Center: NNE
Elevation: 294.76 Meters (967.05 Feet)
City: Stryi
Province: Lviv Oblast
Country: Ukraine
Country Code: UA
Country Code Alpha-3: UKR
Country Continent: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Kiev
Time Zone Abbreviation: EET
EET Stands for: Eastern European Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
EET Began: October 27th 2024 4:00am EEST
EET Ends: March 30th 2025 3:00am EET
UTC/GMT Difference: +02:00
Current Time: Friday December 13th 11:46pm

Stryi, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine Summary

Stryi has a latitude of 49°15'56.19"N and a longitude of 23°50'35.28"E or 49.265608 and 23.843134 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #81 in Ukraine.

Stryi, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine coordinates are near the Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary borders; 96.7 Km SE of Przemysl, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland (see coordinates for Przemyśl); 126.9 Km ENE of Snina, Prešov Region, Slovakia (see coordinates for 069 01 Snina); 148.9 Km N of Sighetu Marmatiei, MM, Romania (see coordinates for Sighetu Marmației 435500) and 173.9 Km NE of Kisvarda, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary (see coordinates for Kisvárda).

Populated areas near Stryi:

Airports near 49°15'56.19"N and 23°50'35.28"E:

  • "LWO" Lviv International Airport (61.4 Km N)
  • "IFO" Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport (74.6 Km SE)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Stryi.

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