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Turkey Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Turkey is: 38.963745 and the longitude is: 35.243322000000035.

Turkey Latitude: 38.963745
Turkey Longitude: 35.243322000000035
Latitude DMS: 38°57'49.48"N
Longitude DMS: 35°14'35.96"E
UTM Easting: 694,362.78
UTM Northing: 4,315,146.70
UTM Zone: 36S
Geohash: sycj9vpkkbt8
Position from Earth's Center: NE
Elevation: 1220.33 Meters (4003.69 Feet)
Type: Country
Landlocked: No
Country: Turkey
Country Code: TR
Country Code Alpha-3: TUR
Country Continent: Europe and Asia [?]
Continent Region: South-Eastern Europe
Time Zone: Multiple Time Zones

Turkey Summary

Turkey is located in the continent of Europe and Asia (mostly considered an Asian country), which is NNW of `Afrin, Syria (see coordinates for Syria); WSW of Batumi, Georgia (see coordinates for Georgia); WNW of Sinjar, Iraq (see coordinates for Iraq) and ENE of Rodos, Greece (see coordinates for Greece).

The capital of Turkey is Ankara. Turkish "Türkçe" is the main language of the country. Kurdish, diq, Azerbaijani and Avaric is also spoken.

The 5 most populated places in Turkey are:

  1. Istanbul (see coordinates for İstanbul)
  2. Ankara (see coordinates for Ankara)
  3. Izmir (see coordinates for İzmir)
  4. Bursa (see coordinates for Bursa)
  5. Adana (see coordinates for Adana)

7 points of interest in Turkey:

  • Dolmabahce Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Beyazit Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Roman Theatre, Ankara, Turkey
  • Kocatepe Mosque, Ankara, Turkey
  • Agora, Izmir, Turkey
  • Muradiye Complex, Bursa, Turkey
  • Grand Mosque, Adana, Turkey

Turkey time zone(s):

NameUTC/GMT Offset
Eastern European Time Zone+02:00/+03:00

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Turkey.

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