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Bursa Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Bursa, Bursa, Turkey is: 40.1885281 and the longitude is: 29.060963600000036.

Bursa Latitude: 40.1885281
Bursa Longitude: 29.060963600000036
Latitude DMS: 40°11'18.7"N
Longitude DMS: 29°3'39.47"E
UTM Easting: 675,444.87
UTM Northing: 4,450,719.03
UTM Zone: 35T
Geohash: sxhstk1e1s8e
Position from Earth's Center: NNE
Elevation: 201.35 Meters (660.61 Feet)
Type: State Capital
City: Bursa
Province: Bursa
Country: Turkey
Country Code: TR
Country Code Alpha-3: TUR
Country Continent: Europe and Asia
Continent Region: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Istanbul
Time Zone Abbreviation: +03
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
Current Time: Sunday November 3rd 11:09pm

Bursa, Bursa, Turkey Summary

Bursa which is the capital of the Bursa province, is the 4th most populated city in Turkey (see coordinates for Turkey). Izmir located 257.7 Km SW of Bursa is the 3rd most populated (see coordinates for İzmir).

Airport near 40°11'18.7"N and 29°3'39.47"E:

  • "YEI" Bursa Yenişehir Airport (43.2 Km E)

Bursa points of interest:

  • 0.6 Km SSE Bursa Town Hall, Bursa, Turkey
  • 0.9 Km SE Bursa City Museum, Bursa, Turkey
  • 1.3 Km W Muradiye Complex, Bursa, Turkey
  • 1.4 Km ESE Green Tomb, Bursa, Turkey
  • 3.5 Km NNW Bursa Zoo, Bursa, Turkey
  • 8.9 Km N Anatolium Shopping Center, Bursa, Turkey

Need to calculate the distance between Bursa and nearby cities? See Bursa to nearby cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Bursa.

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