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Adana Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Adana, Reşatbey Mh., Seyhan/Adana, Turkey is: 36.991419 and the longitude is: 35.330829.
Adana Latitude: | 36.991419 |
Adana Longitude: | 35.330829 |
Latitude DMS: | 36°59'29.11"N |
Longitude DMS: | 35°19'50.98"E |
UTM Easting: | 707,427.23 |
UTM Northing: | 4,096,459.89 |
UTM Zone: | 36S |
Geohash: | sy947yp4eur9 |
Position from Earth's Center: | NE |
Elevation: | 27.91 Meters (91.58 Feet) |
Type: | State Capital |
City: | Adana |
District: | Seyhan |
Province: | Adana |
Country: | Turkey |
Country Code: | TR |
Country Code Alpha-3: | TUR |
Country Continent: | Europe and Asia |
Continent Region: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Istanbul |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | +03 |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +03:00 |
Current Time: | Sunday November 3rd 10:12pm |
Adana, Reşatbey Mh., Seyhan/Adana, Turkey Summary
Adana which is the capital of the Adana province, is the 5th most populated city in Turkey (see coordinates for Turkey). Bursa which is the capital of the Bursa province, located 650.6 Km WNW of Adana is the 4th most populated (see coordinates for Bursa).
Airport near 36°59'29.11"N and 35°19'50.98"E:
- "ADA" Adana Airport (4.6 Km WSW)
Adana points of interest:
- 0 Km NE Adana Archaeology Museum, Adana, Turkey
- 0.6 Km NNE Merkez Park, Adana, Turkey
- 0.7 Km S Grand Mosque, Adana, Turkey
- 1.4 Km NE Aqua Land, Adana, Turkey
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Adana.
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