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Togo Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Togo is: 8.619543 and the longitude is: 0.8247820000000274.
Togo Latitude: | 8.619543 |
Togo Longitude: | 0.8247820000000274 |
Latitude DMS: | 8°37'10.35"N |
Longitude DMS: | 0°49'29.22"E |
UTM Easting: | 260,613.25 |
UTM Northing: | 953,471.62 |
UTM Zone: | 31P |
Geohash: | s1894c0s6z60 |
Position from Earth's Center: | N |
Elevation: | 481 Meters (1578.08 Feet) |
Type: | Country |
Landlocked: | No |
Country: | Togo |
Country Code: | TG |
Country Code Alpha-3: | TGO |
Country Continent: | Africa |
Continent Region: | Western Africa |
Time Zone: | Africa/Lome |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | GMT |
GMT Stands for: | Greenwich Mean Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | No Difference |
Current Time: | Wednesday November 13th 4:25am |
Togo Summary
Togo is located in the continent of Africa, WSW of Bassila, Benin (see coordinates for Benin); SE of Yendi, Ghana (see coordinates for Ghana) and SE of Po, Burkina Faso (see coordinates for Burkina Faso).
The capital of Togo is Lome "Lomé". French "français" is the main language of the country. Ewe, hna, kbp, dag and Hausa is also spoken.
The 5 most populated places in Togo are:
- Lome (see coordinates for Lome)
- Sokode (see coordinates for Sokode)
- Kara (see coordinates for Kara)
- Atakpame (see coordinates for Atakpame)
- Kpalime (see coordinates for Kpalime)
2 points of interest in Togo:
- Independence Monument, Lome, Togo
- Togo National Museum, Lome, Togo
Togo time zone(s):
Name | UTC/GMT Offset |
Greenwich Mean Time Zone | +00:00 |
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Togo.
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