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Vârșolț 457355 Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Vârșolț 457355, Romania is: 47.207932 and the longitude is: 22.914571.
Vârșolț 457355 Latitude: | 47.207932 |
Vârșolț 457355 Longitude: | 22.914571 |
Latitude DMS: | 47°12'28.56"N |
Longitude DMS: | 22°54'52.46"E |
UTM Easting: | 644,988.66 |
UTM Northing: | 5,230,049.22 |
UTM Zone: | 34T |
Geohash: | u82k93vyhhqe |
Position from Earth's Center: | NNE |
Elevation: | 226.58 Meters (743.36 Feet) |
City: | Vârșolț |
District: | Varsolt |
Province: | Sălaj |
Province Abbreviation: | SJ |
Country: | Romania |
Country Code: | RO |
Country Code Alpha-3: | ROU |
Country Continent: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Bucharest |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EEST |
EEST Stands for: | Eastern European Summer Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
EEST Began: | March 31st 2024 3:00am EET |
EEST Ends: | October 27th 2024 4:00am EEST |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +03:00 |
Current Time: | Wednesday September 18th 8:45pm |
Vârșolț 457355, Romania Summary
Varsolt "Vârşolţ", the seat of Varsolt District, has a latitude of 47°12'28.56"N and a longitude of 22°54'52.46"E or 47.207932 and 22.914571 respectively.
Vârșolț 457355, Romania coordinates are near the Hungary and Ukraine borders; 72 Km SSE of Csenger, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hungary (see coordinates for Csenger) and 99.2 Km SSW of Vyshkovo, Zakarpats'ka oblast, Ukraine (see coordinates for Vyshkovo).
Areas near Vârşolţ:
- 3.7 Km N to Periceiu, SJ (see coordinates for Periceiu Mic 457267)
- 6.2 Km SSW to Crasna, SJ (see coordinates for Crasna 457085)
- 6.5 Km SSE to Mesesenii de Jos, SJ (see coordinates for Meseșenii de Jos 457245)
- 7 Km ENE to Hereclean, SJ (see coordinates for Hereclean)
- 8.8 Km SE to Aghires, SJ (see coordinates for Aghireș 457246)
Populated areas nearby:
- 8.6 Km WNW to Simleu Silvaniei, SJ (see coordinates for Șimleu Silvaniei 455300)
- 10.6 Km ESE to Zalau, SJ (see coordinates for Zalău)
- 46.1 Km WNW to Margita, BH (see coordinates for Marghita 415300)
- 62.7 Km NNW to Carei, SM (see coordinates for Carei 445100)
- 64.8 Km N to Satu Mare, SM (see coordinates for Satu Mare)
Airports near 47°12'28.56"N and 22°54'52.46"E:
- "BAY" Tautii Magheraus Airport (65.3 Km NE see coordinates for Aeroportul International Baia Mare)
- "CLJ" Cluj-Napoca International Airport (75.1 Km SE see coordinates for Avram Iancu International Airport Cluj (CLJ))
- "OMR" Oradea International Airport (79.3 Km WSW)
- "SUJ" Satu Mare Airport (55.1 Km N)
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Vârșolț 457355.
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