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Quinocay District Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Quinocay District, Peru is: -12.362509 and the longitude is: -76.227272.
Quinocay District Latitude: | -12.362509 |
Quinocay District Longitude: | -76.227272 |
Latitude DMS: | 12°21'45.03"S |
Longitude DMS: | 76°13'38.18"W |
UTM Easting: | 366,572.13 |
UTM Northing: | 8,633,054.33 |
UTM Zone: | 18L |
Geohash: | 6mcc9mkzpv63 |
Position from Earth's Center: | W |
Elevation: | 2651.07 Meters (8697.74 Feet) |
City: | Quinocay District |
District: | Yauyos Province |
Province: | Lima |
Country: | Peru |
Country Code: | PE |
Country Code Alpha-3: | PER |
Country Continent: | South America |
Time Zone: | America/Lima |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | -05 |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | -05:00 |
Current Time: | Sunday January 19th 3:33pm |
Quinocay District, Peru Summary
Quinocay has a latitude of 12°21'45.03"S and a longitude of 76°13'38.18"W or -12.362509 and -76.227272 respectively.
Areas near Quinocay:
- 6.5 Km E to Huampara, Lima (see coordinates for Huampara District)
- 17.5 Km NW to Mariatana, Lima
- 18.4 Km SSW to Omas, Lima (see coordinates for Omas)
- 22.4 Km N to Sangallaya, Lima (see coordinates for Sangallaya District)
- 29.1 Km SSE to Tauripampa, Lima (see coordinates for Tauripampa District)
Populated areas nearby:
- 54.5 Km SW to Mala, Lima (see coordinates for Mala District)
- 62.2 Km S to Nuevo Imperial, Lima (see coordinates for Nuevo Imperial)
- 70.7 Km NW to Chosica, Lima (see coordinates for Chosica)
- 75.9 Km SSW to Imperial, Lima (see coordinates for Imperial District)
- 80.9 Km WNW to Surco, Lima (see coordinates for Surco)
Note: Quinocay is also located 95.4 Km ESE of Peru capital Lima (see coordinates for Lima).
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Quinocay District.
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