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Samora Machel Bridge Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Samora Machel Bridge, Ponte Samora Machel, Tete, Mozambique is: -16.154762 and the longitude is: 33.593839.

Samora Machel Bridge Latitude: -16.154762
Samora Machel Bridge Longitude: 33.593839
Latitude DMS: 16°9'17.14"S
Longitude DMS: 33°35'37.82"E
UTM Easting: 563,487.60
UTM Northing: 8,213,854.05
UTM Zone: 36K
Geohash: ktpuh7n79njg
Position from Earth's Center: ESE
Elevation: 122 Meters (400.26 Feet)
Street: Ponte Samora Machel
City: Tete
District: Tete
Province: Tete
Country: Mozambique
Country Code: MZ
Country Code Alpha-3: MOZ
Country Continent: Africa
Time Zone: Africa/Maputo
Time Zone Abbreviation: CAT
CAT Stands for: Central Africa Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +02:00
Current Time: Monday October 7th 5:07am
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