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Karak Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Karak, Jordan is: 31.164806 and the longitude is: 35.761882.
Karak Latitude: | 31.164806 |
Karak Longitude: | 35.761882 |
Latitude DMS: | 31°9'53.3"N |
Longitude DMS: | 35°45'42.78"E |
UTM Easting: | 763,259.15 |
UTM Northing: | 3,451,151.98 |
UTM Zone: | 36R |
Geohash: | sv93mc3h0hzv |
Position from Earth's Center: | NE |
Elevation: | 936.92 Meters (3073.9 Feet) |
Type: | State Capital |
City: | Karak |
Province: | Al Karak |
Country: | Jordan |
Country Code: | JO |
Country Code Alpha-3: | JOR |
Country Continent: | Asia |
Time Zone: | Asia/Amman |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EET |
EET Stands for: | Eastern European Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
EET Began: | October 25th 2024 1:00am EEST |
EET Ends: | March 28th 2025 12:00am EET |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +02:00 |
Current Time: | Friday January 24th 7:30pm |
Karak, Jordan Summary
Karak City, the capital of the Al Karak province, is located in the city of Karak and has a latitude of 31°9'53.3"N and a longitude of 35°45'42.78"E or 31.164806 and 35.761882 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #16 in Jordan.
Karak, Jordan coordinates are near the Israel, Palestinian Territory, Saudi Arabia and Syria borders; 53.1 Km E of 'Arad, South District, Israel (see coordinates for Arad); 68.8 Km SE of Bani Na`im, Palestinian Territory (see coordinates for Bani Na'im); 153.2 Km W of Al Qurayyat, Al Jowf, Saudi Arabia (see coordinates for Al Qurayyat Saudi Arabia) and 165.7 Km S of Daraa, Syria (see coordinates for Daraa).
Populated areas near Karak City:
- 32.4 Km WSW to Safi, Al Karak (see coordinates for Safi)
- 39.3 Km SSW to At Tafilah, Tafilah (see coordinates for Tafilah Governorate)
- 61.8 Km N to Madaba, Madaba (see coordinates for Madaba)
- 80.3 Km NNE to Sahab, Amman (see coordinates for Sahab)
- 88.2 Km N to Wadi as Sir, Amman (see coordinates for Wadi Al Seer)
Note: Karak City is also located 89.8 Km S of Jordan capital Amman (see coordinates for Amman).
Airports near 31°9'53.3"N and 35°45'42.78"E:
- "AMM" Queen Alia International Airport (65.8 Km NNE)
Need to calculate the distance between Karak and nearby cities? See Karak to nearby cities.
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Karak.
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